Friday, September 20, 2013

Western diamondback rattlesnakes kill more people in the USA than any other snake.  Along with the western diamondback, the prairie rattlesnake and the eastern diamondback rattlesnake are dangerous to humans. There bite can tear tissue and venom can enter the victims bloodstream.  Never try to suck venom out of your wound because the venom will most likely to enter your nervous system.  Eastern diamondback rattlesnakes strike with lightning fast reflexes and fangs can cut a nerve and bleed a person to death.  These bad boys are one of the biggest rattlesnakes in the USA.  I have never seen a prairie rattlesnake before but this picture gives  me a good idea of what this snake looks like.  The prairie rattler lives in Texas.  There are 15 venomous snakes in Texas including the western diamondback rattlesnake and the prairie rattlesnake.  There are 7 venomous snakes in North Carolina including the eastern diamondback rattlesnake.  Some people may mistake a rattlesnake for a desert sidewinder because they have a rattle.  We are talking only about three of thirty-three rattlesnakes.  Copperheads, Cottonmouths, Rattlesnakes, Pygmy Rattlesnakes, and Coral Snakes are all of the snakes that live in the UNITED STATES OF AMARICA.