Saturday, August 24, 2013

Black Mambas

Some people think the black mamba is the deadliest snake in the world. In fact, the mamba is the fastest and longest snake in Africa. They can rear up and attack a humans face. Black mambas are not really black, they are named for its inky colored mouth. Their bursts of speeds can be up to 12.5 miles per hour. Like all snakes, their fangs are hidden until they are ready to strike. Their bite is nearly painless, so it is hard to tell when a black mamba has struck you. A mamba hunts during the day so if you think you can hide in a tree or jump into a body of water, think again, the black mamba is an excellent swimmer and expert tree climber. One mamba can move a herd with one hiss off the ground. It's potent venom can kill in less then twenty minutes. Sometimes, mambas wander into people territory and attacks are almost always fatal to humans. Black mambas unlike other snakes, bite many times to defend itself. Without antibiotics for the mambas bite, people can't survive. Wear boots and pants when entering mamba territory. If you see a mamba in a town and you accidently corner one, give it some space and give it a way to escape and alert the presence of the snake to the locals. People kill mambas because they are a deadly snake and want to get them away from their towns and villages. Experts handle mambas with care. This snake may be deadly, but it also deserves our respect.

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